
Those who make a difference

The Edge of Adventure often features the work of those who are doing good things–serving others often at great personal expense. These are a few of those people and organizations. Please encourage and support them.

Free the Slaves | Podcast

Free the Slaves works worldwide to end modern-day slavery, to free the ones trapped in it, and to restore them to a life of freedom and dignity.   Their executive director, Bukeni Waruzi, joins me today to share this organization's heart

Mahavir Kmina: Colombia | Podcast

Mahavir Kmina serves the people of Colombia by providing prosthetic legs to those in financial need. They do so free of charge and with a loving smile. Their work has helped to change the lives of thousands over the years,

Southwest Indian Foundation | Podcast

The Southwest Indian Foundation serves the Native American population, providing education, training, employment opportunities, and emergency assistance to those who are facing hardships among the Navajo, the Zuni, and the Hopi. Always respecting and honoring the memory, the culture, and

Shade for Children: The Ukraine | Podcast

Shade for Children works to preserve and provide families for orphans in the Ukraine. Clinton and Lena White, the co-founders, care very deeply for the children here who find themselves in State-run institutions. And they refuse to forget these little ones

Abundance Worldwide | Podcast

Dr. Deepa Pullanikkatil is founder at Abundance Worldwide in Malawi. She and the team help to provide a variety of new opportunities for and with the wonderful, warm-hearted people of this African nation. Their areas of focus include healthcare, entrepreneurism, education,

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