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Shade for Children: The Ukraine | Podcast

Shade for Children works to preserve and provide families for orphans in the Ukraine. Clinton and Lena White, the co-founders, care very deeply for the children here who find themselves in State-run institutions. And they refuse to forget these little ones

Maestro Cares: Latin America | Podcast

On this edition of #TheEdgeOfAdventure​ podcast​, I'm joined by Massiel Brito and Pete Amaro from the Maestro Cares Foundation. Founded by Marc Anthony and Henry Cardenas, Maestro Cares works to improves the quality of life for disadvantaged children and communities

Orphan Relief Effort: Nepal + Myanmar | Podcast

Yvonne Morgan (and her husband Bill) started an organization called Orphan Relief Effort about 20 years ago. Since then, and in several countries around the globe, this couple has cared for thousands of children who so desperately have needed families

Love Him Love Them: Haiti | Podcast

There are times in life when we make a decision to serve, when we go willingly on the great #adventure of service, putting others first, dedicating our time for something bigger than ourselves. And then there are those times when destiny

Hands of Love: Uganda | Podcast

Recent estimates tell us that more than 3.2 million children in Uganda are orphans. No parent, no grandparent, no aunt or uncle to step in and raise them. These precious children are left hungry, without shelter, and so very vulnerable. This

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