Nicaragua | Episode 1 | Map It Out

“Adam Asher explores Managua and gets a grip on the adventure ahead.”

It was awesome to be back in Nicaragua.

My first trip there was in 1998 on the heels of Hurricane Mitch and all the devastation it brought. That was in 1998. Where does the time go?

I still remember, all those years ago, looking down on the small-town lights from that plane in the night sky. I could barely contain my excitement. We were flying over the mountains of Central America–I could hardly believe it. And the adventure was all ahead of me.

I felt much the same as I arrived in Managua for this most recent trip. Times had changed. I had changed. But I was still eager to get there and to get out into the countryside. Nicaragua will always be special to me. And it was great to be sharing the trip with you.

A few random thoughts:

I recall how tricky it was for the crew to get good footage of the molten lava down inside the volcano. The smoke was thick that day and created some challenges. But they’re pros, and they got the job done. Honestly, the smoke was better than the first time I went to the top of El Volcán Masaya. That’s another story for another time, but suffice it to say, the sulfur was so strong I genuinely struggled to breathe. I learned to take that stuff seriously.

Our stop by the Masaya market was great, too. We walked around, saw the sites, and hopefully gave you an idea of what it was like to be there. I bought some sort of fruit smoothie drink. I think it was mango—don’t really recall.

What I do remember, though, was giving it away to one of the kids there in the market—maybe 10 years old. So many children there spend their afternoons working. Some sell fruit. Some make a pretty good case for buying new sunglasses (from them, of course). While others make trinkets out of plantain husks. Each one of these children are precious.

I hope you enjoy Episode 1. The crew worked hard on it. We did a lot of driving to get all the footage. And it was certainly gratifying to see it all come together. Nicaragua is a beautiful country filled with beautiful people. It was great to be back there. And good to be back on The Edge.


Watch “Episode 1: Map It Out” here. And if you like it, please feel free to share it.

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