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Not Just Tourists | Podcast

Did you know you could turn your next international vacation into a humanitarian effort? By simply taking with you one extra suitcase. My guest today, here on The Edge of Adventure, tells us how the organization he works with can provide and

Walking with a Purpose: Minnesota | Podcast

The Edge of Adventure is dedicated to those who serve and genuinely love people who find themselves vulnerable, overlooked, forgotten, and suffering. People in need. The podcast and the video series take us around the world to places that are

GoGirls ICT: South Sudan | Podcast

On today’s edition of The Edge of Adventure podcast, we travelto the nation of South Sudan, and the capital city of Juba, to talk today with both the co-founders from GoGirls ICT, Eva Yayi and Yine Yenki. These impressive ladies

The Exodus Road | Podcast

Slavery still exists. And it must be stopped.  Join me for this edition of #TheEdgeOfAdventure podcast as I speak with David Zach of The Exodus Road where their entire team helps to find and free victims of human trafficking. David volunteers as

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