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Childhope Philippines Foundation | Podcast

Childhope Philippines Foundation works to protect, feed, educate and inspire the children of Manila who are left to fend for themselves on the street. They do so by providing a variety of services including healthcare, tutoring, and food distribution. Chips Guevara

Teach Her: India & Nepal | Podcast

John Marshall is Founder and "Chief Story Teller" at Teach Her, an organization that works to secure educational opportunities for young women in India and Nepal who have grown up in orphanages. John joins me for this episode of The

Pureland Project: Tibet | Podcast

The Pureland Project serves the people of Tibet, working to protect and preserve their culture, traditions, and their unique way of life. Meg Ferrigno and Abo Lama are the co-founders, and they join Adam Asher today, sharing their passion for

ISF Cambodia | Podcast

ISF Cambodia is making a difference in Southeast Asia, one child at a time. Increasing access to education, healthcare, and sports programs. Enabling underprivileged children and their communities to lift themselves out of poverty. Vicheka Chourp joins me today from Phnom

Tea Leaf Trust: Sri Lanka | Podcast

Tim Pare, co-founder at Tea Leaf Trust, joins me to discuss this organization's inspiring efforts to provide educational and employment opportunities for the young people of tea-picking families in Sri Lanka. Behind every cup of tea that we enjoy is a

Apne Aap: India | Podcast

Apne Aap Women Worldwide is a grassroots Indian organization that empowers marginalized girls and women to resist and end sex trafficking. They organize vulnerable girls and women into small self-empowerment groups, where they work to educate, encourage and equip them.

Orphan Relief Effort: Nepal + Myanmar | Podcast

Yvonne Morgan (and her husband Bill) started an organization called Orphan Relief Effort about 20 years ago. Since then, and in several countries around the globe, this couple has cared for thousands of children who so desperately have needed families

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