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Serendipity Healthcare Foundation: Nigeria | Podcast

The Serendipity Healthcare Foundation provides many vital services and opportunities to those who live in rural Nigeria, including education, clean water and hygiene, agricultural insight, livelihoods, and healthcare. Samirah Faruk joins me from Kano in northern Nigeria to discuss the

Barefoot College | Podcast [SPANISH]

La gente que vive en las regiones rurales de seguido tiene que salir de sus casas y dejar atrás sus familias y sus comunidades en busca de una vida mejor. Por falta de oportunidad, dejan la hermosura de su cultura,

Barefoot College | Podcast

People in rural villages, in remote regions around the world, are often forced to leave their homes and their communities in search of a better life.  When this happens, they leave behind the beauty of their heritage, their culture, and often

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