“The Edge of Adventure” Documentary Film | NOW STREAMING

Join Adam Asher for this cinematically brilliant journey to one of the most remote corners of Central America. Extreme beauty meets devastating need as Adam takes you over land, upriver, and beyond status quo to discover what really matters.

Subtitles available in Spanish, Portuguese, French, Arabic, Chinese Mandarin, Hindi, Bengali, Greek, Finnish and Afrikaans.


Please watch, rate & review. It all helps!

For a list of film awards: Adam’s IMDb Profile



Thank you for your continued friendship and support. I am honored to now share the full-length documentary film with you. It has done very well on the film festival circuit. It has been embraced by multiple streaming platforms worldwide. And as each new channel comes on board, I will share them here. I am grateful for their support and for yours.

At The Edge of Adventure, we seek to inspire and uplift. Through our documentaries and podcasts, we aim to bring honor to inspiring humanitarian organizations and their efforts worldwide to care for those in desperate need. We share real-life stories of tremendous hope at a time in history when such is urgently needed.

The journey ahead is an exciting one, and I’m glad you’re with us.

Please stay tuned for updates. As together we go … beyond status quo.


  • Courtney Koon

    So excited for you. This is amazing. Thank you for sharing your adventure.

    October 13, 2022at11:48 pm
  • Barbara Harrison

    Hi Adam,
    Soo excited to watch the whole documentary! I’m also excited for what’s to come for you!
    You should get a group to travel along with you on one of these adventures! If you do… I’m in!

    November 4, 2022at11:21 am
  • theedgeofadventure

    Thank you so much, Courtney. It is an honor to have you and your family on this journey with me.

    November 30, 2022at12:09 pm
  • theedgeofadventure

    Thank you so much, Barbara. That day is fast approaching. Stay tuned. Can’t wait. And thank you again.

    November 30, 2022at12:13 pm

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