“EDGE Podcast” Wins Gold at W3 Awards

The Winners of the 16th Annual w3 Awards have been announced by the Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts. Receiving over 3,000 entries from across the globe, the w3 Awards honors outstanding Websites, Marketing, Video, Mobile, Social, and Podcasts created

In the News: Jetset Times

I enjoy using Twitter because it’s an exceptional way to meet new people and discover new brands. I must admit that I didn’t originally “get” Twitter when I first opened my account, when I first launched Edge. But I can

In the News: Wanders Miles

Get to know Adam better in this written interview with Vanessa at Wanders Miles—as he answers questions regarding The Edge of Adventure, his perspective on travel, and why it all matters.    Bonus: There’s a picture of Adam here long before the

In the News: Where Gals Wander

Appearing in their special edition “Where Guys Wander,” Adam was honored to have The Edge of Adventure featured by the gals at this great travel publication.    Best quote of the article was regarding the difference Mission: Hope has made in the


The Central America press got The Edge of Adventure some attention in this article from Metro Nicaragua. It’s a great write-up that shows just how much it meant for Adam to “share the history and culture of this beautiful region.”    When

In the News: La Voz del Sandinismo

Adam’s recent trip to Nicaragua caught the eye of several Central American newspapers. The fact that “Adam chose our country” to launch his new video series clearly meant something to the people of Nicaragua.    It meant something to Adam, too.    Give Google


Taking particular interest in Adam’s stop in Masaya, Radio 99.1 FM posted this on their station website—noting how Adam always likes to visit authentic marketplaces as he travels.    It’s true. Adam said so in “Episode 1: Map It Out.”    Give Google

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