In The News - The Edge of Adventure


  • “The Edge of Adventure” Documentary Film | NOW STREAMING

    Join Adam Asher for this cinematically brilliant journey to one of the most remote corners of Central America. Extreme beauty meets devastating need as Adam takes you over land, upriver, and beyond status quo to discover what really matters. Subtitles......

  • “EDGE Podcast” Wins Silver at Anthem Awards

    The long-awaited results are in for the Inaugural Anthem Awards, and I am extremely proud and honored to share with you that The Edge of Adventure podcast received the SILVER in our category for Best Humanitarian Action & Services. This......

  • “EDGE Podcast” Wins Gold at W3 Awards

    The Winners of the 16th Annual w3 Awards have been announced by the Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts. Receiving over 3,000 entries from across the globe, the w3 Awards honors outstanding Websites, Marketing, Video, Mobile, Social, and Podcasts created......

  • “EDGE” Receives Communicator Award for Podcast Documentary

    I am grateful. I have the privilege of working with an amazing, dedicated team of producers. They work tirelessly. And with such heart. I am honored. Each week on the podcast I speak with people who are changing the world.......

  • “EDGE” Receives Telly Award for Online Documentary Series

    Last Fall a friend of mine suggested that I enter The Edge of Adventure video series into a few competitions. “Your work is really good,” she insisted. “I think you’d be recognized, and I bet you’d win.” I recall sitting......

  • “Fear vs. Courage” | Adam joins Angela Abide for a special edition the “The Deepening Place” Podcast

    Angela Abide recently reached out to me with an invitation to be on her podcast. I agreed, of course, after getting to know her and witnessing what a genuine person she is and how very much she cares for others.......

  • “On this Road Together” | Adam joins Michael Vilches for a special edition the “Man Under Construction” Podcast

    These are challenging times. We face uncertainty, loss, and even danger. We can cower in fear. Or we can stand strong. And stand together. My friend Michael Vilches of the Man Under Construction podcast asked me to join him on......

  • Adam Asher featured in “Georgia Hollywood Review”

    It took us an extra day this year to get to March 1, but we made it. And I’m sure glad we did. Because I can now tell you how honored and privileged I am to have been featured in......

  • Adam Asher goes “Into the Dark Blue” on this edition of Zach Jewell’s podcast.

    I thoroughly enjoyed the conversation with Zach on this recent episode of his podcast “Into the Dark Blue.”   He does a great job with these interviews, providing an excellent platform for guys to share what they’ve learned … from......

  • Adam Asher featured on the “Man Under Construction” Podcast

    I was a guest recently on the Man Under Construction Podcast, hosted by Michael Vilches. We talked about The Edge of Adventure, of course. But this interview covered much more than that. At Michael’s request, I agreed to answer some......

  • Adam Asher featured on the “Global Travel Channel” Podcast

    It was great to chat with Mark Philpott of The Global Travel Channel recently. He has a passion for travel and for connecting travelers worldwide.    He is a former global corporate executive, founder of a global Not-for-Profit, a philanthropist,......

  • In the News: Jetset Times

    I enjoy using Twitter because it’s an exceptional way to meet new people and discover new brands. I must admit that I didn’t originally “get” Twitter when I first opened my account, when I first launched Edge. But I can......

  • In the News: Wanders Miles

    Get to know Adam better in this written interview with Vanessa at Wanders Miles—as he answers questions regarding The Edge of Adventure, his perspective on travel, and why it all matters.    Bonus: There’s a picture of Adam here long......

  • In the News: Where Gals Wander

    Appearing in their special edition “Where Guys Wander,” Adam was honored to have The Edge of Adventure featured by the gals at this great travel publication.    Best quote of the article was regarding the difference Mission: Hope has made......


    The Central America press got The Edge of Adventure some attention in this article from Metro Nicaragua. It’s a great write-up that shows just how much it meant for Adam to “share the history and culture of this beautiful region.”......

  • In the News: La Voz del Sandinismo

    Adam’s recent trip to Nicaragua caught the eye of several Central American newspapers. The fact that “Adam chose our country” to launch his new video series clearly meant something to the people of Nicaragua.    It meant something to Adam,......


    Taking particular interest in Adam’s stop in Masaya, Radio 99.1 FM posted this on their station website—noting how Adam always likes to visit authentic marketplaces as he travels.    It’s true. Adam said so in “Episode 1: Map It Out.”......