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Serendipity Healthcare Foundation: Nigeria | Podcast

The Serendipity Healthcare Foundation provides many vital services and opportunities to those who live in rural Nigeria, including education, clean water and hygiene, agricultural insight, livelihoods, and healthcare. Samirah Faruk joins me from Kano in northern Nigeria to discuss the

Childhope Philippines Foundation | Podcast

Childhope Philippines Foundation works to protect, feed, educate and inspire the children of Manila who are left to fend for themselves on the street. They do so by providing a variety of services including healthcare, tutoring, and food distribution. Chips Guevara

Maya Health Alliance: Guatemala | Podcast

Maya Health Alliance, Wuqu'Kawoq, provides healthcare to those who need it most, working to make it available to indigenous populations in their native languages. Executive director and co-founder, Anne Kraemer, joins the show from Wuqu’Kawoq’s headquarters in Guatemala for this edition

Power of Love Foundation: Zambia & India | Podcast

Power of Love Foundation serves the people of Zambia and India, providing innovative and practical ways to care for those with AIDS and other serious illnesses, while also working to effectively prevent their spread to future generations. Alka Subramanian joins me

Ubora: Tanzania | Podcast

The team at Ubora serve the people of Tanzania, East Africa. They provide educational opportunities and healthcare. They train forward-thinking leaders and entrepreneurs For decades now, they've built lasting, life-changing ties to the rural communities of the Siha District there. Dave Burgess

International Medical Corps | Podcast

International Medical Corps delivers emergency medical and related services to those affected by conflict, disaster and disease, no matter where they are, no matter what the conditions. They also train people in their communities, providing them with the skills they

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